Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Articles; Links; Contact Us; Gallery. Google PR. (1-8) Step Right Foot Forward and Touch Left Behind, Step Left Foot Forward and Touch Right Behind, Pop Right Knee Out In Out, Behind Side Cross. &1 Step R to R Side, Step L Next to R. 1&2 Kick right forward, cross right over left, step left backChoreographed by Sandy Goodman - Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner / intermediate line dance Music: Drink in My Hand by Eric Church Intro: 16 SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK-RECOVER, WALK BACK (X3), OUT-OUT 1&2 Shuffle forward right, left, right 3-4 Rock left forward, recover to right 5-6-7 Step left back, step right back, step left backDescription: 4 wall, 32 count, beginner line dance. Dear Future Husband 2023 Mega Lienatha Lie (INA) &. Scdf. 100% Easy Line dance Choreographed by Celina Tan & Christopher Hoe, (August 2010)48 Count, 4 Wall, Beginner Level Music: "It's So Easy" by Buddy Holly (CD):. Music: Oh Cecilia (Breaking My Heart) (feat. van Dooren Last modified by: Meulendijks Created Date: 4/5/2009 6:59:00 PM Other titles: Scdf Dansformaat. S. Muziek Cd : The Tractors & All American Country Title: Scdf Dansformaat Author: M. Better When I'm Dancin'. Last Update - 17 July 2023 - R1. 1&2 Step right forward, swivel heels right (raise right hip), swivel heels to center. I Don't Care What You Say. 1. Whether a linedance is a 6-beat or an 8-beat phrased dance, it can be broken up into blocks or 6 or 8 counts - something that is immediately obvious when you look at a dance sheet (there are exceptions, but that's the choreographer playing games). Music: Walkin' After Midnight - The GrooveGrass Boyz. nl. Video's met informatie over allerlei onderwerpen. As of September 2010 a new site has been set up for Australian stepsheets (original sheets only), a replacement for Dancing Downunder (which ceased being updated late 2009). 2-3 Step Fwd on R, Sweep L and Point Slightly Across with Bended Knee (Angle Body R) 4&5 Cross L Over R, ¼ Turn L Step Back on R, Step L Next to R (12:00)I hope you enjoy this sing along happy fun dance . 5-6 Step right forward, roll hips turning 1/8 left (paddle turn) 7-8 Continue turning with hip roll 1/8 left (paddle turn) REPEAT. Music: Senorita (I Love Senoritas) by Alex Swings Oscar Sings Start dancing on lyrics. 7-8 LF step forward, ¼ turn right (3:00)Finish. The Fire Safety (Amendment) Act (“Act”) was passed by Parliament on 5 August 2019. com - Roy Verdonk - Den Haag scdf. KICK-CROSS-BACK, SIDE, CROSS, HOLD, SIDE, BACK ROCK, SIDE SHUFFLE. 2021 2 NOV 10 27 DEC '21 100. New update: As part of our process we monitor activity on these charts to prevent manipulation. Hot Pepper - with the bell kick variation (32) Video. 2001 - The BC Coaster (52) Video. Choreograaf : Piet Meulendijks (April 2012) Soort Dans : 4 Wall Line Dance. Line Dancing with Diana Dawson [email protected] Step right foot across in front of left with a ¼ turn left; step left foot to left side. Music: Shivers by Ed Sheeran. Position: Moving LOD around dance floor, couples form the largest circle possible on the floor. Step Sheet Key: Directions on the step sheets will be defined by points on a clock. 5,6 Step L diagonally backward, step R togetherCOME DANCE WITH ME. Door de vele Line Dance clubs die hier al regelmatig hun laatst uitgeleste dansen op vermelden kunt u als DJ of. As you pull your right foot back to the left foot, pivot 1/4 turn or 1/2 turn ( spin) on the ball of your left foot and step down on your right foot,. Karl Harry Winson. 2020 28 SEP 2 8 NOV '20 200. If it's a newer dance, there's a good chance you can find it here on Aussie. Request a quote from our team or call us at (888) 702-6028! Buy flame retardant polycarbonate sheeting for your fabrication needs from A&C Plastics Inc. The concealed space between the structural floor and raised floor shall not be used for storage. [1 – 8] Step fwd, Point x2, Shuffle fwd (option: Shuffle ½ Turn L x2) 1 – 2 Step R fwd, Touch L to L side. Meet the Silver Spurrs. 2023 4 SEP 4 18 SEP '23 100. Layton, UT, 801-628-4752, Email: rounds-by-russ@comcast. Use free, printable line dance step sheets to see exactly how to move your body and read a. 48 Count 2 Wall Intermediate NC Line Dance - Niels Poulsen (DK) - August 2023. 1 tag during the 7th wall after 16 counts. Download (pdf) NEW Preview. 2023 26 SEP 1 18 OCT '23 100. Anthony Callea. Intro: 32 . b. vr. Love. The Civil Defence Emergency Handbook (CDEH) is one of the primary means through which the SCDF reaches out to all segments of the population. 3&4 Rock Left out to left side, recover onto Right, step Left slightly fwd. Ending: Music ends During Wall 6…Dance to Count 31 (Monterey)…Left toe is pointing Left, and HOLD. New dances are added weekly. 28-29 Touch left heel forward, touch left to side. Here are just a few: “Another One Bites the Dust,” Queen. 130, host name 130. Lists of the CopperKnob websites most recent and most popular linedances are provided along with Music, Demo and Tutorial videos for each stepsheet. Nov 8, 2023. I want Alison’s car not Jose or JP. Description: 32 count, 4 wall line dance. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. Aces And Eights** Pat Esper (USA) - February 2016. 2023 4 APR 5 21 MAR '23 100. From here, the dance reverses going to the left. Cross step Left over Right. 7–8 Step Left forward to left diagonal, Brush/scuff Right forward. 12. Point the toe of your right foot to the right side. 1/4 TURN, GRAPEVINE RIGHT, HITCH. DANCE WITHOUT A PARTNER. It describes the skills and competencies required for participants in all facets of the line dance industry, from dancer and instructor, through to choreographer, event coordinator, DJ and stage performer. com; danc[email protected] SCDF heeft al een flinke tijd een geweldig handig formulier op hun website staan. 16 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Ivonne Verhagen (NL) - May 2023. Ms. Higher by Michael Bublé. Music:- ‘I Need More Of You’ (122 bpm) by Bellamy Brothers from ‘25 Year Collection’ CD, or ‘Rip Off The Knob’ CDs Restless’ by Shelby Lynne ‘I Can’t Wait For Payday’ by Dave Sheriff from ‘Dave Sheriff In Nashville’. Beyond the original track, there are at least 134 songs you can dance the Electric Slide to. July 2013. It can be danced by several couples on a large floor, by having the lead gentleman start the vine to the left and then join the last lady in the line with all other gentlemen moving up one lady. 1,2 Walk forward Right, Left. Release Date & Language. Whether a linedance is a 6-beat or an 8-beat phrased dance, it can be broken up into blocks or 6 or 8 counts - something that is immediately obvious when you look at a dance sheet (there are exceptions, but that's the choreographer playing games). 3-4 Step left to side, touch right together. 32 Count 1 Wall Ultra Beginner Music: Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus. 1,2,3 Step left to side , step right together, Step left to side. 1b. 7-8 Step right to side, kick left diagonally forward. We set, maintain and enforce a high standard of fire safety and CD Shelter standards in buildings and premises so as to ensure a safe and secure home and work place in Singapore. The stepsheet site you are currently viewing (on Line Dance Sydney) contains an archive of dances choreographed prior to September 2010 plus any. 5-6 Step R side, touch L together. 2 SHUFFLES FORWARD. AA Jenny Cain (USA) - May 2022. 7,8,&a LF rock forward, Recover on RF, ½ turn left, ¼ turn left. Return To: “Wobble” Choreographed by Vic Brentnell. 32 Count 4 Wall IMPROVER+ Line Dance. 5-6 Step forward on R, Step forward on L. net. Stepsheets; Gallery;. Don't Tell Me What to Do. 4& Touch right back and bump hips right, left. New Dances. 64 count, 2 wall. 7&8 Make a 1/2 turn to left, stepping left, rightType of Dance. It can give a sense of how a dance should be executed, not describe it completely. Access to sheets is free. Music info. di. All the files are in PDF format. Contact: JuliaLineDance@gmail. REPEAT. Keep your arms crossing to the beat, as well. Type of Dance. Cowgirls Twist [line] by Bill Bader. Email: [email protected]'t Rock The Juke Box. In My Town Of Dreams mBah Wir (INA) - November 2023. 1-2 Rock forward on R, Recover on L. Think of a waving flag. Site is running on IP address 35. So the giant list of popular line dances starts with two songs from LunchMoney Lewis! This. 5-6 Step left foot left, step right foot next to left. 5 6 Step R Forward, Step L Recover. Jonas Dahlgren. 30-31 Touch left heel forward, touch. 2015 Music: “Ain’t Too Cool” by LunchMoney Lewis Step Sheet: Click here to download. A step is when you change your weight. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance Music: You're More Than A Number by The Drifters. Mishnockbarn Best Country Western Dancing In Rhode Island. 3. 6. Chair, Walk Forward R & L. Have fun and a good practice!! Last Update - 14 June 2023. 11 Januari 2022 - Donaties. 5,6& RF step forward, ½ turn left & LF step forward, RF step forward. WALK FORWARD, POINT, WALK BACK, POINT 1-2 Walk forward right, left. decided to call this language Kickish: The Language of Line Dance. 9K #singapore #career #fire safety #useful links #services #fire #defence. 3&4 Rock Right forward, recover on Left, step Right beside Left. 6-7-8 Slowly lower R hand (make sure weight ends on LF) 32 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Darren Bailey (UK) - November 2020. Then start the dance again 6:00. The stepsheet site you are currently viewing (on Line Dance Sydney) contains an archive of dances choreographed prior to September 2010 plus any. MMM Bop - 32 Count Line Dance Choreographed by: Kelly Kaylin. To search all sheets on this archive, either scroll to the search menu at the end of this page or click on the Aussie Dancesheets link above to go to the main search page. 2-4 Rock back on left, step back on right, rock forward on left. Choreographer: Unknown 24 steps 4 wall line dance. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. The Extra Charts are based on Age of Dance and on Voters’ profiles. di. Section 2: WALKS FORWARD , BUMP , BUMP, ½ TURN R. 23rd CBA's at Blackpool January 2019. Ending: On count 64 sweep Lt foot round completing another 1/2 turn right to face the front. This takes a little bit of practice but have fun with it. 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Cindy Hall (USA) &. do. The only dance steps that you need to learn are the basic cha-cha pattern that repeats and turns. Looking for a dance sheet for an Australian choreographed line dance? Don't want to trawl through 100s of choreographer websites? Bemoaning the demise of Dancin' Down Under?If you are looking for an older dance (pre 2009), try the archived copy of that site at archive. Romeo, You're Drunk Lidia Landon Michael (USA) - November 2023. [1-8] ROCK, REPLACE, COASTER STEP, ROCK, REPLACE, COASTER STEP. JAZZ BOX 1/4 TURN RIGHT x 2. Branching beyond the country genre, it was paired with Marcia Griffiths’ Electric Boogie. Click on the name of the dance. do. do. For a more traditional get down we recommend Josh Turner’s “Why Don’t We Just Dance. Elvira. Music: Big Blue Note by Toby Keith [115 bpm / HonkyTonk University Start dancing on lyrics. Line dance avond 24 septemberCountry line dance names often correspond to the country line dancing song they were made for. 1-2 Pivot turn: step L forward, turn 180 degrees right take weight onto right, 3&4 Shuffle forward: L-R-L, 5-6 Step R a big step forward, drag L towards right, 7-8 Step L a big step forward, drag R towards left (9:00) REPEAT. Then repeat the same “grapevine” step to the left and do the hitch again. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141324. The exception is the Viennese Waltz. 2023 25 AUG 6. App. - Homepagina. . Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets. Access to sheets is free. 7&8 Step forward Right, step Left next to Right, step forward Right. Boogie &. 2& Cross Right over Left, Hold. Type of Dance. Ending: Music ends During Wall 6…Dance to Count 31 (Monterey)…Left toe is pointing Left, and HOLD. com. Notes: Restart after 16 counts on the 3rd wall – you will be facing 12. Thank you so much and I dont. ENDING: Dance 20 counts of Wall 7, then stomp forward on right to finish facing [12:00] Contact:. Country As A Boy Can Be by Brady Seals. pdf: File Size: 250 kb: File Type: pdf:. Report structural damages and areas of concern to designated personnel. J’ai du Boogie – Dance ECS. This checklist allows you to perform the following actions: Record the condition of the building in detail. 3-4 Continue hip roll. It aims to equip our readers with essential life-saving skills in times of emergency. 1. END OF INTRO. co. 32 Count 4 Wall Novice / Intermediate - WCS Music: goodbye looks good on you (feat. Ready For It by J. 1-2 RF step forward, LF step forward. BASIC STEP, RIGHT & LEFT. Repeat. 2021 20 SEP 6. 133. Cowboy Beat by The Bellamy Brothers. A home for Australian line dance step sheets See the Main Page (link below) for instructions on submitting stepsheets. . Line Dancing with Diana Dawson dianadawson@btinternet. - Agenda. Dance Step Sheets. 20 October 2021 (English Script) Script Stats. Deze zijn allemaal binnen gekomen via de email, dus alle dansen zijn origineel van binnenkomst. Instructional videos are included for some dances. Scooter Lee brings you The Best Of Scooter Lee, the most popular line dance album in the WORLD. 1-2-3 In The Morning (L) All Day In Jamaica (L) After A Few (L) Alligator Shuffle (P) All About Tonight (L) A Little Sweet (L) Bad About To happen (L)24 Count 4 Wall Beginner + Music: Lit - Trace Adkins. The provisions of the Act will come into effect on 14 September 2020 and aim to enhance the fire safety of buildings by: (a) Strengthening the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF’s) regulatory and enforcement powers; (b) Optimising SCDF’s resources to. You might like to refine your search e. No services or installations shall be permitted within the concealed space other than:Line dance avond 24 septemberNote: You can obtain a maximum of 2 copies of the publication from our Customer Service Centre located at HQ SCDF, 91 Ubi Ave 4 S408827 during office hours. Music: “I Ain’t No Quitter” – Shania Twain – Greatest Hits . 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: All Joy No Stress - Rhett Walker. SEC 1: Point, Together, Point, Together, Back x3, Together. 3&4 RF cross behind LF, LF step on place, RF little step back. ”Ric” Silver in 1976, gaining viral popularity in the late 80s and early 90s. Waterfall - Michael Schulte & R3HAB : (Amazon & iTunes) Intro: 16 counts (8 secs) S1: STEP, TAP & HEEL & WALK, ROCK, RECOVER, ½ SHUFFLE. (end up facing back wall in regards to start position). Stepsheets can be saved locally to allow for use when there is no internet connection available, with facilities to search for sheets based on the Title, Choreographer, Music or Any Category. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Articles; Links;. Start: Man facing OLOD, Ladies facing ILOD, 2 hand hold, Mans footwork described, ladies opposite except where noted. Wall 3 starts at 12:00 and Wall 6 starts at 6:00. Turning Gradually in an Arc 3/8 Turn L on These Steps. At the famous Blackpool Dance Festival in the UK, dance couples compete in only 4 dances of the European program. 7-8 Step left forward, kick right. [1-8] Walk, Walk, Left side mambo, Walk, Walk, Right side mambo touch. 3& Touch right forward and bump hips right, left. Working as a paramedic is a fast-paced yet highly rewarding career that allows you to be there for others in their time of need. Take a final closing step with your left foot, but this time just tap it and don’t put your weight on it. com “Cornell Crawford” Artist: K. Adding more words won't help. Info : The Dance start after 20 counts in the instrumentele part Muziek : “Settin' The Woods On Fire” by The Tractors. Step forward on Lt. Printable Dance Step Sheets; Wobble. 48 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Breakin' in Boots -. The amount of. Lamento Boliviano - Toke D Keda : (Album: Super Bachata Classics) Section 1: (SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, BUMP, BUMP)x2. 3 – 4 Step L fwd, Touch R to R side. T. Recover weight on Left. 6 Crucial Skills You Needto Become a Paramedic. Learn six fun line dances: The Electric Slide, Copperhead Road, Cupid Shuffle, Boot Scootin' Boogie, Good Time, and Watermelon Crawl. 1-2 Step left forward, hip roll. 5 Close R hand into a fist. The dance slows down notably during the hip roll sections so take your time and roll slowly. com ( ) ping response time 4ms Excellent ping. Parallel Line by Keith Urban: Intermediate: March 2018: Parallel Lines To Love: Christine Tyson: Parallel Line by Keith Urban: Intermediate: May 2018: Part of Me: Sandy Kerrigan: I Have To Dance by The Olsen Brothers: Novice: April 2010: Part of Me: Adrian Lefebour: Part of Me by Katy Perry: Intermediate: February 2012: Part of Your World. Our fireproof plexiglass is UV-stable and virtually unbreakable. Text summary of the move: This line dancing step starts with a “grapevine” step to the right (side, behind and side) with a “hitch” (knee up) at the end. Close by bringing your right foot next. Music: Fireball (feat. 5, 6 Walk forward Right, Left. One Good Reason. 7 – 8 Step right to right side. ”. 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Julia Wetzel (USA) - September 2021. Email: rsarlemijn@gmail. Wobble your torso. 2 Push fists forward and left hip back. As you get started learning how to line dance, the most important aspect is figuring out steps. For more copies, please call 6848 1525. Choreographed for NULINE DANCE MALAYSIA 11th BIRTHDAY PARTY IN KL. Cowboy Cha Cha. net MUSIC: MP3 Download Amazon. Music: Stitches - Shawn Mendes : (iTunes) Dance begins on the heavy beat; approximately 30 seconds into the track. Pollock & Manwell. di. com Tel: 01896 756244 or 077570 75028 Witchcraft 4 walls, 64 counts, Improver Level Line Dance Choreographed by Diana Dawson – Scotland (June 2021) Choreographed to: Witchcraft by Thyra CD: Nashville Songs & Stories (95bpm) #16 count intro32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Shirley Blankenship (USA) & K. Choreographer: Lisa McCammon (USA) - June 2011. 6& 1/4 turn left with weight to right foot, hold. . 5-6 Step right forward, step left forward. More Than Friends by Lukas Nelson ft. 8 secs. 32 Count 4 Wall INTERMEDIATE Line Dance. Music info. CROSS BREAKS AND CHA-CHA-CHA'S 1-2 Left cross over right; right rock-step back center 3&4 Step left; right; left (cha-cha-cha in place) 5-6 Right cross over left; left rock-step back center 7&8 Step right; left; right (cha-cha-cha in place)decided to call this language Kickish: The Language of Line Dance. A Little Sweet Dan Albro (USA) - February 2015. The entire dance consists of stepping right, left, and teaches weight changes, a right rocking chair, 1/4 L step turns, and the "Vee" step. 32 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Line Dance - Stéphane Beauchamp (CAN), Maryse Gagnon (CAN) & Ira Weisburd (USA) - July 2023. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. 1-2 Walk forward right, left. Intermediate. 56 111. The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) notes that one of its officers will be charged in court on 16 October 2023 for an offence of causing grievous hurt by a rash act which endangers life or the personal safety of others, under Section 338 (a). Type (Zoeken op Line en / of Partner dansen) Niveau (Zoeken op niveau) Walls (Zoeken op muren) Stepsheets Line Dance Partner Dance Danssheets SCDF. Line Dance Charts. 7& Step left foot back, Step right foot back. 29-32 Step forward right, ¼ turn left. Beau James by Dean Martin. 2023 6 SEP 2 17 SEP '23 50. com - 2021 19 SEP 3 13 OCT '21 100. When the hips are toward the front, your shoulders should be toward the back, and vice versa. 5-6 Step Right Forward making 1/8 turn to Left, Rolling Hips (Right Left) 7-8 Step Right Forward making 1/8 turn to Left, Rolling hips (Right Left) (You should now be ¼ turn Left from the starting wall) GRAPEVINE RIGHT. Intro: 32 Counts, Start at approx. 00 Wall. com. 3-4 Step Right back to center; Step Left next to right. If Jesus walked the world today by Alan JacksonBroken Hearted Girl by Beyonce. Intro: 16 Count intro, start with vocals. net Music: All I Do Sung By: Wayne Brady (Non-Country) 113. 5, 6 Turn 1/4 left stepping back Right, turn 1/2 left stepping forward Left. Muziek Cd : The Tractors & All American Country Title: Scdf Dansformaat Author: M. It starts at 6:00. Trustworthiness. All My Heart (32) Video. Description: 32 count, 1 wall line dance. SCDF | Danssheets / Stepsheets / Line dance. 32 Count 4 Wall IMPROVER+ Line Dance. 5-6 Step Left forward to left diagonal, Step Right behind Left. 23 December 2021 - Danssheets. Take a side step to the left with your left foot. C. “December 1963 (Oh What A Night),” The Four Seasons. Bij alle dansen (uitgezonderd enkele oudere) staat er bij de beschrijving een link naar de dansvideo en PDF bestand. nl | Total stepsheets 26460 Workshop (Zoeken op workshop) Under Construction. 5-6 Step diagonally back to right with right (5) and slide left to meet right (6). . 1-2 RF step forward, LF step forward. Finish dance with your full turn on counts 37-38 stepping L fwd on count 38 to face 12:00 again -12:00. John Ryan) - Pitbull. 1 Step right forward & across left. Last Update: 22 Aug 2023. 7-8 Step left foot left, touch right toe next to left foot. The Road Jack Yo Herry P (INA) - November 2023. Muziek Cd : The Tractors & All American Country Title: Scdf Dansformaat Author: M. bc. 24Wall: 2Level: Intermediate - Rolling 8 countChoreographer: Maddison Glover (AUS), Simon W. TOUCH LEFT TO LEFT (2X), SHUFFLE & ROCK TO LEFT. 3-4 Step right toe out to right, bring knee up as you make an 1/8 of a turn to left, Repeat. 32 Count - Wall Improver Pattern Partner Music: I'm Good (Blue) - David Guetta & Bebe Rexha. Info : The Dance start after 20 counts in the instrumentele part Muziek : “Settin' The Woods On Fire” by The Tractors. Intro: 16 counts from first beat in music. Music info. 1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left. Boot Scootin’ Boogie. 23. 1-2 Step right foot right, step left foot next to right. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver / Intermediate Music: YOU'RE DRUNK, GO HOME - Kelsea Ballerini, Kelly Clarkson & Carly Pearce. DANCE STEP SHEETS. Level: Ultra Beginner. . Alle door de jaren heen geplaatste dansen gesorteerd op alfabet. 5,6,7 Step right to side , step left together, Step right to side. Restart: at the end of wall 3, add the following 8-count tag, then restart the dance at 3:00. 8k. Start 16 Counts (7 seconds into track) SIDE TOGETHER SIDE TOUCH, SIDE TOGETHER SIDE KICK.